2015年1月12日 星期一




1.   Japan 日本


Fried fish, dried seaweed, tomatoes, miso soup with potatoes, rice in a metal container, served with milk. 炸魚,海苔,西紅柿,馬鈴薯味噌湯,裝在鐵盒裡的米飯,牛奶。

2.   Austin, Texas 奧斯丁,德克薩斯州


Turkey, mashed potatoes, peach cobbler, and iced tea. 土耳其的玉米卷沙拉,馬鈴薯泥,脆皮桃子餡餅和冰茶。

3.   South Korea 韓國


Pickled sesame leaves, kimchi, doenjang(a soybean paste) stew served with rice and a side of grapes. 腌芝麻葉,朝鮮泡菜,大醬(一種豆瓣醬),米飯和葡萄。

4.   Shanghai German School 上海德國學校


Hot dog, french fries, carrot salad, slice of cake. 熱狗,薯條,胡蘿蔔沙拉,蛋糕塊。

5.   Israel 以色列


Falafel, pitta chips, yoghurt and cucumber sauce, with green leaves. 沙拉三明治,皮塔餅薯片,酸奶和帶有綠葉的黃瓜醬。

6.   Finland 芬蘭


Salad, chicken curry and pudding, string beans and carrots, served with milk. 沙拉,咖喱雞和布丁,豆角和胡蘿蔔,牛奶。

7.   Czech Republic 捷克共和國


Semolina and vegetable soup, beef with garlic, spinach and potato dumplings, an orange. 粗面蔬菜湯,香蒜牛排,菠菜馬鈴薯餃子,一個橘子。

8.   Brazil 巴西


Meat in BBQ sauce, rice, green salad, pudding, and a strawberry juice. 肉和烤肉醬,米飯,蔬菜沙拉,布丁和一杯草莓汁。

9.   Ukraine 烏克蘭


Soup, bread, sliced hot dog, and pasta. 湯,麵包,熱狗片和意大利麵食。

10. Barcelona, Spain 巴塞羅那,西班牙


Tomato fusilli, deep fried fish, salad, bread, and an apple. 西紅柿螺絲粉,炸魚,沙拉,麵包和蘋果。

11. Singapore 新加坡


Meat, rice, crunchy vegetables, and melon. 肉,米飯,新鮮清脆的蔬菜和甜瓜。

12. United Kingdom 英國


Peas, baked potato, cake, and custard.(This is a veggie option). Update: A commenter adds that the third item might be cauliflower cheese. 豌豆,烤馬鈴薯,蛋糕和奶油蛋羹。(這是一份素食) 校正一下:一個評論家說第三個也可能是花椰菜奶酪。

13.  Chennai, India 金奈,印度


Lentil soup, snake gourd, rice, curd, and kesari, served with buttermilk. 扁豆湯,絲瓜,米飯,凝乳,番紅花和脫脂乳。

14. Canadian International School, Bangalore 加拿大國際學校,班加羅爾(印度南部城市)


Fish nuggets, spring roll, salad, veggie noodles. 魚礦塊,春卷,沙拉,蔬菜麵條。

15. France 法國


Fries and nuggets with broccoli, bread, pasta salad, and a slice of cake. 薯條,雞塊和花椰菜,麵包,意麵沙拉,一塊蛋糕。

16. Sweden 瑞典


Potatoes, cabbage, and beans, served with a cracker and lingonberry juice. 馬鈴薯,捲心菜,豆子,餅乾和越橘汁。

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